Virtual Town Hall to Call for New Innocence Protections Exonerees and advocates introduce wrongful conviction reforms for the new Texas legislature to enact in 2021.

Exonerees Michael Morton, Dennis Allen and John Nolley, Texans who spent a combined 59 years in prison for crimes they did not commit, Mike Ware, IPTX Executive Director, Rep. Senofria Thompson, and Michelle Feldman, IP State Campaigns Director will discuss innocence protections reforms. These reforms include: 1) requiring pre-trial admissibility hearings for jailhouse informant testimony; 2) creating a new writ for non-scientific evidence of innocence HB 225; 3) fixing loopholes in the Michael Morton Act.

Systemic Failures Have Wrongly
Imprisoned Thousands of
Innocent Texans.

The Generosity of Their Fellow Citizens Can Provide Them
The Freedom They Deserve.

Innocence Project of Texas grey star icon